Full Spectrum Coverage


We had Katie Mills write on behalf of Vidalux Saunas to explain the benefits of Full-spectrum coverage. Check the blog out below:


Full-spectrum is a reference to the entire coverage of the infrared spectrum:  near-infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared wavelengths.

While the majority of the benefit you’ll receive in your Sauna will come from the far-infrared band, there are added benefits and enhancements by adding in the Near and Medium wavelengths.

Adding these two additional wavelengths not only adds these additional benefits but also vastly improves the effectiveness of the Far Infrared band.

With the deeper penetration, full-spectrum infrared will raise your core body temperature faster, better aides in healing the body, greater reduce inflammation as well as other all-around performance increases.  

It is thought an additional 10-15% benefit is gained from a full spectrum sauna versus a FAR only sauna.

Simply search google and you find companies that offer these heaters as a £200 to £500 upgrade on their ceramic heaters, such is their advantages. 

Near-Infrared –  between 0.075 – 1.5 microns. The shortest wavelength absorbed and penetrates just below the surface of the skin and creates perspiration that promotes and acts are the gateway to expel the bodies toxins and promotes healing and revitalisation of the skin

Mid-Infrared –  between 1.5 – 5.6 microns Penetrates deeper into the body’s soft tissue increasing circulation, releasing oxygen and white blood cells from the immune system

Far-Infrared between 5.6 – 15 microns is the longest wavelength which penetrates the fat cells causing vasodilation, where the fat cells vibrate to expel toxins, resulting in the greatest levels of detoxification and stimulation of your metabolism to aid in weight-loss.


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